How to Propagate Monstera Variegata?
Is your mature Monstera Variegata very healthy? Maybe you want to propagate more plants by selecting cuttings. I have several tips for your propagation. These tips are based on my experience, corrections are welcome.
1. What do you need?

The most important preliminary work is the sterilization of plants and cutters. The blade has to be sterilized before EVERY cutting.
2. Where is the cut point?
Most of Monstera Albo Variegata is "long-stem" Monstera, cut points could be easily found between two nodes. But Monstera Thai Constellation is a "short-stem" form, especially if your plant grows up from tissue culture or baby plant, the nodes are very close.

Theoretically speaking, there is a node under every knot, it could potentially grow as a new plant. But you have to be very careful when you cut it.
After cutting, keep the cut surface clean and leave it for 12-hours for air-dry.
3. Different propagation ways.

The best way to propagate is layering aerial roots in sphagnum moss, after the development of enough roots, the shoot is detached from the parent plant to plant in the soil to lead an independent life. Before putting cuttings into soil, remember to remove the sphagnum moss as much as possible, as the moss easily rots the root in the soil.
Cuttings with aerial roots:
There are a lot of mediums for cuttings rooting, such as perlite, sphagnum moss, or Leca. For me, the fastest way is rooting aerial roots in water. And I believe as long as the cut surface is not contaminated, rooting in any substrate is all okay.
Cuttings without aerial roots:
If you get a cutting, but there are no aerial roots. All you need is patience.

The cutting without aerial roots is hard to root, you need to keep enough light and warm temperature. Generally, grow-lights and heating mats are needed, but I don't suggest propagating them in winter.
4. Personal experience
Root rotten:
If you find your cuttings getting black, do not be afraid, not all black spots are rotten. The rotten black spot has a vague edge and feels mashed when you touch it.

As shown in the above picture, the black spot is just normal cell death by water absorption and does not need to be cut back.
In my own experience, once the blade is clean and leave cuttings are air-dried for 12 hours, there is no rottenness during rooting.
Gene and Variegation:
The variegation depends on genes and luck. Light or temperature will not affect it. Large areas of green or white on leaves are more likely to grow as ghost and reverted plants. The marble variegation is the most stable.